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Wrap entire span on new line if doesn't fit

I have two child divs 20% and 80%. The last one contains nested spans and in case of text doesn't fit on the same line it is moved on the next line by single word (default behavior).


<div class="post-short-footer">    <div class="read-more-post"></div>    <div class="post-short-meta-container">       <span class="posted-on"><i class="fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true">Some text</i></span>       <span class="cat-links"><i class="fa fa-folder-open-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>Some text</span>       <span class="comments-link"><i class="fa fa-comment-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>    </div> </div> 


.post-short-footer {     display: table;     width: 100%; } .read-more-post {     height: 100%;     display: table-cell;     vertical-align: middle;         width: 20%;     padding: 0.6em 0.6em;     border-radius: 0.3em;     text-align: center;     border: 1px solid #3b9be5; } .post-short-meta-container {     display: table-cell;     padding-left: 1em;     width: 80%;     line-height: 100%;     vertical-align: middle;     height: 100%; } 

But I need to achieve next result if text in span doesn't fit the line move whole span to the next line.

I already tried:

.post-short-meta-container span {     white-space: nowrap; } 

This doesn't move text to the next line instead it makes first div smaller in order to get free space for text and this is not desirable behavior.

enter image description here enter image description here

And I want to achieve:

enter image description here

Is it possible to get such result using only CSS?

like image 754
CROSP Avatar asked Jun 27 '16 14:06


People also ask

How do you move a span to the next line?

To make the span go to the next line when there is not enough space, you can set it to display: inline-block; . date { display: inline-block; ... }

How do you make a span not wrap?

You can make the contents of HTML <p>, <div>, and <span> elements not to wrap by using some CSS. You need the white-space property.

Can a span be inside another span?

Yes. You can have a span within a span .

1 Answers

The <span> tag is inline by default, so the text inside will break when wrapping happens. You can set it to display: inline-block so that it renders as a whole block also remains inline level. Note, wrapping may still happen but only if the text length exceeds the parent container.

.post-short-meta-container span {   ...   display: inline-block; } 

display: inline-block The element generates a block element box that will be flowed with surrounding content as if it were a single inline box (behaving much like a replaced element would) - MDN

And for the layout you're trying to achieve, you can wrap the text "Read more" into a <a> tag, and set the button link style on it instead of the table cell, see the updated demo below.


.post-short-footer {    display: table;    width: 100%;  }  .read-more-post {    height: 100%;    display: table-cell;    vertical-align: middle;    width: 20%;    text-align: center;  }  .read-more-post a {    white-space: nowrap;    border: 1px solid #3b9be5;    padding: 0.6em 0.6em;    border-radius: 0.3em;    display: block;  }  .post-short-meta-container {    display: table-cell;    padding-left: 1em;    width: 80%;    line-height: 100%;    vertical-align: middle;    height: 100%;  }  .post-short-meta-container span {    display: inline-block;    padding: 0.3em;    margin: 0.3em;    border: 1px dotted red;  }
<div class="post-short-footer">    <div class="read-more-post">      <a href="#">Read more</a>    </div>    <div class="post-short-meta-container">      <span>Some text here</span>      <span>Some text here</span>      <span>Some text here</span>      <span>Some text here</span>      <span>Some text here</span>    </div>  </div>

You may notice given the same margin but the left/right spacing and top/bottom spacing is not the same in the example, follow this post if you need it to be pixel perfect.


There is a better way to do it, that is CSS3 flexbox, check out the snippet below.


.post-short-footer {    display: flex;  }    .read-more-post {    display: flex;    align-items: center;  }    .read-more-post a {    border: 1px solid #3b9be5;    padding: 0.6em 0.6em;    border-radius: 0.3em;    white-space: nowrap;    margin-right: 10px;  }    .post-short-meta-container {    flex: 1;    display: flex;    flex-wrap: wrap;    align-items: center;  }    .post-short-meta-container span {    padding: 0.3em;    margin: 0.3em;    border: 1px dotted red;  }
<div class="post-short-footer">    <div class="read-more-post">      <a href="#">Read more</a>    </div>    <div class="post-short-meta-container">      <span>Some text here</span>      <span>Some text here</span>      <span>Some text here</span>      <span>Some text here</span>      <span>Some text here</span>    </div>  </div>
like image 138
Stickers Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
