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Is it possible to store a numpy array in a Spark Dataframe Column?

I have a dataframe and I apply a function to it. This function returns an numpy array the code looks like this:

create_vector_udf = udf(create_vector, ArrayType(FloatType()))
dataframe = dataframe.withColumn('vector', create_vector_udf('text'))

Now spark seems not to be happy with this and does not accept ArrayType(FloatType()) I get the following error message: net.razorvine.pickle.PickleException: expected zero arguments for construction of ClassDict (for numpy.core.multiarray._reconstruct)

I could just numpyarray.tolist() and return a list version of it, but obviously I would always have to recreate the array if I want to use it with numpy.

so is there a way to store a numpy array in a dataframe column?

like image 276
Thagor Avatar asked Jul 07 '17 08:07


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1 Answers

The source of the problem is that object returned from the UDF doesn't conform to the declared type. create_vector must be not only returning numpy.ndarray but also must be converting numerics to the corresponding NumPy types which are not compatible with DataFrame API.

The only option is to use something like this:

udf(lambda x: create_vector(x).tolist(), ArrayType(FloatType()))
like image 154
pissall Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
