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Is it possible to show tooltips on a networkx graph?

I have a simple graph with a lot of points, so I don't want to show labels for all of them. But I do want to be able to tell which is which, via tooltips.

Is it possible to add/show tooltips using networkx?

Here's my code:

import networkx as nx
g = nx.Graph()
g.add_node(1, label="descriptive label")

I'd like "descriptive label" to show up as a tooltip. Any ideas?

like image 969
Jason Sundram Avatar asked Mar 08 '11 18:03

Jason Sundram

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1 Answers

NetworkX does not have this built in, NetworkX uses matplotlib underneath so you could try the suggestion here:

Point and line tooltips in matplotlib?

and adapt it to your code, hope this helps.

like image 163
EdChum Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
