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Is there a way to resist unnecessary joins that are only checking id existence when using Django's orm?




In example. If I have a model Person who's got a mother field, which is a foreign key.. The following is getting to me:

p = Person.object.get(id=1)
if p.mother_id:
    print "I have a mother!"

In the above example, we've issued one query. I've tricked Django into not fetching the mother by using the _id field instead of mother.id. But if I was to filter on everyone who doesn't have a mother:


All of these join in the related table unnecessarily.. and I can't reference the _id columns, because they're not fields.. so either of the following fails:


Is there a way for me to build a querySet that checks the existence of a value in the foreign key column without incurring the join?

Thanks in advance.

Edit (answered): Credit goes to Bernd, who commented on Daniel's answer, but it turns out that this workaround does splendidly for returning people without mothers, without issuing the unnecessary join:


Edit (more detail):

I should also mention that I've found this behavior actually only seems to rear it's head when the FK relationship is nullable. Odd, but true.

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royal Avatar asked Oct 21 '10 22:10


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1 Answers

I was surprised by this - I thought Person.object.filter(mother=None) would work without an extra join - but on checking it turns out you're right. In fact this has been logged as a bug in Django's ticket tracker.

Unfortunately, the person who logged it - and who (re)wrote most of the Django query code - is no longer actively contributing to Django, so I don't know when it will actually get fixed. You might try one of the patches on that ticket and see if they help.

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Daniel Roseman Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10

Daniel Roseman