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Is it possible to set android version code and name via a Gradle task?

I'm trying to automate build process on CI that I'm working with. I am able to call a curl and assign it some variables such as version code and names. Then CI (in my case Bitrise CI) catch it and starts Release build. However, before that I want to set version code and version name based on what has been passed by curl into build.gradle file and then build process starts.

So, I'm thinking I can write a plugin/task that gets version code/name from a command line and then inject it in build.gradle file. A command like ./gradlew setVersion 1 1.0.

Threefore, by running this command from an script that I'll write, I will be able to run this gradle task and everyone from anywhere in the glob is able to create a release build by curl. Quite interesting :)

I am able to write a task similar to following code an put it into my main build.gradle file.

task setVersion << {
    println versionCode
    println versionName

and pass it some parameters via command line:

./gradlew -PversionCode=483 -PversionName=v4.0.3 setVersion

This is my output:



Total time: 6.346 secs

So far so good. My question is how to set it in build.gradle file?

like image 837
Hesam Avatar asked Mar 25 '16 04:03


People also ask

What is version code in build gradle?

versionCode — A positive integer used as an internal version number. This number is used only to determine whether one version is more recent than another, with higher numbers indicating more recent versions. This is not the version number shown to users; that number is set by the versionName setting, below.

What is the difference between version code and version name in Android?

Version code & version nameThe version code is an incremental integer value that represents the version of the application code. The greatest value Google Play allows for version code is 2100000000. version name ( android:versionName on your AndroidManifest. xml ).

How do I mention gradle version in build gradle?

First install Gradle on your machine, then open up your project directory via the command line. Run gradle wrapper and you are done! You can add the --gradle-version X.Y argument to specify which version of Gradle to use.

2 Answers

You can create methods to update the versionCode and versionName from the command line:

def getMyVersionCode = { ->
    def code = project.hasProperty('versionCode') ? versionCode.toInteger() : -1
    println "VersionCode is set to $code"
    return code

def getMyVersionName = { ->
    def name = project.hasProperty('versionName') ? versionName : "1.0"
    println "VersionName is set to $name"
    return name

Then in the android block:

defaultConfig {
        applicationId "your.app.id"
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode getMyVersionCode()
        versionName getMyVersionName()

        archivesBaseName = "YourApp-${android.defaultConfig.versionName}"

Then you can just call any task really:

./gradlew assembleDebug -PversionCode=483 -PversionName=4.0.3

Read more about it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20160119183929/https://robertomurray.co.uk/blog/2013/gradle-android-inject-version-code-from-command-line-parameter/

like image 93
brwngrldev Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11


I found a clean way that is compatible with CI tools (without edit your code):

./gradlew assembleDebug -Pandroid.injected.version.code=1234 -Pandroid.injected.version.name=

there are more params here for other things like signing:


For GitLab CI:

I use this command for a debug version:

./gradlew assembleDebug -Pandroid.injected.version.code=$CI_PIPELINE_IID -Pandroid.injected.version.name=$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA

You can echo $CI_PIPELINE_IID if you want to know its number. It increases every time you run a new pipeline for your project.

And for a release version:

./gradlew assembleRelease -Pandroid.injected.signing.store.file=$SIGNING_STORE_FILE -Pandroid.injected.signing.store.password=$SIGNING_STORE_PASSWORD -Pandroid.injected.signing.key.alias=$SIGNING_KEY_ALIAS -Pandroid.injected.signing.key.password=$SIGNING_KEY_PASSWORD -Pandroid.injected.signing.v1-enabled=true -Pandroid.injected.signing.v2-enabled=true -Pandroid.injected.version.code=$CI_PIPELINE_IID -Pandroid.injected.version.name=$CI_COMMIT_TAG

Note: first 4 env vars are set in my project variables and are not internal gitlab ci variables!

like image 42
Naser Mirzaei Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Naser Mirzaei