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Convert given time in String format to seconds in Android




Suppose time is given in MM:SS(ex- 02:30) OR HH:MM:SS in String format.how can we convert this time to second.

like image 665
Sritam Jagadev Avatar asked Mar 26 '15 07:03

Sritam Jagadev

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1 Answers

In your case, using your example you could use something like the following:

String time = "02:30"; //mm:ss
String[] units = time.split(":"); //will break the string up into an array
int minutes = Integer.parseInt(units[0]); //first element
int seconds = Integer.parseInt(units[1]); //second element
int duration = 60 * minutes + seconds; //add up our values

If you want to include hours just modify the code above and multiply hours by 3600 which is the number of seconds in an hour.

like image 69
CodeCamper Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11
