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Is it possible to run giter8 templates from intellij?

As a feedback from a g8 template that I've made, I've been asked whether it's possible to make it available directly inside intellij.

Is there any way to generate new modules from intellij using a g8 template, maybe through some g8 plugin integration? I've made some attempts unsuccessfully and can't find anything documented.

like image 846
alessandro candolini Avatar asked Mar 18 '19 18:03

alessandro candolini

People also ask

Where are IntelliJ templates stored?

IntelliJ IDEA stores global templates in the IDE configuration directory under fileTemplates.

How do I save a template in IntelliJ?

From the main menu, select File | New Projects Setup | Save Project as Template. In the dialog that opens, name the template and configure the options: Save: if the project contains more than one module, select whether you want to create a template from the whole project or from one of the modules.

1 Answers

IntelliJ doesn't currently support giter8 directly. If you would like to see it, please vote on this issue on the IntelliJ Scala YouTrack.

like image 126
Justin Kaeser Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Justin Kaeser