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How to early return in Scala [duplicate]

I am learning Scala at the moment. One thing that I like to do is early returns. I'm convinced that this is far easier for everyone to read as we just remove the invalid states before. Now, as Scala is a functional language and I've read that cutting computation is bad functional style, I'm wondering if there is some trick or functional programming equivalent to early return.

This is code I would write, to be completely clear, this is just a dumb example, I'm not looking for the special hack of my special case, but more for a general advice on how to deal with these.

if (request.headers.get(session_header).isEmpty) {
} else {
  Ok(CartHelper.getCart(session, user))

Now, what I'm tempted to do is:

if (request.headers.get(session_header).isEmpty) {


If you have any hint for me!

like image 894
Martin GOYOT Avatar asked Aug 08 '16 16:08

Martin GOYOT

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How does return work in scala?

Putting in simple words, return basically transfers the control back to the function. It gives back the result and no statement after the return statement gets executed in that particular function. In scala, the return isn't required to be written with the resultant value. It evaluates that itself.

1 Answers

In some instances the return keyword cannot be avoided, but it doesn't look like you have that problem currently.

Scenario 1: The single condition scenario, your current one. In this instance you can avoid using return with a very simple if else.

def doSomething: AnyContent = {
  if (request.headers.get(session_header).isEmpty) {
  } else {

If the session not being set is a common problem, you can simply have a guard around it with a partial function.

def requireSession(req: Request)(
   pf: Session => AnyContent
): AnyContent = {
     .fold(BadRequest("Session not set"))(pf(_))

And then:

// Assuming Play framework being used here
def getCart: AnyContent = Action { implicit req =>
  requireSession(req) { session => Ok(CartHelper.getCart(session, user) }

Scenario 2: Break loop using return, or the so called early return is usually a performance improvement element.

One apparently valid use of return in Scala which is something that seems unavoidable is a situation where you are iterating a collection for the first of something. Obviously you can have that abstracted away for you using collection.find and other helper methods pre-build in the standard lib, but for the sake of argument.

def inList[T](l: List[T], value: T): Boolean = {
  for (el <- l) {
    // break the loop for the first match found
    // for the sake of efficiency.
    if (el == value) return true;

Even in situations like this return is avoidable, by using a different construct, and there's always a recursive version of something you can use to replace an apparently impossible return inside dan iteration.

like image 184
flavian Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10
