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Is it possible to match the # part of a route in React Router 4

In my app, I'd like to match both the path and the hash to different components. For example:


Would show PageA as the main page, with modalB over the top. I've tried the following, with many variations of the path property:

<Route path="#modalB" component={modalB}/>

But nothing works.

In React Router 2 inside a modal 'controller' component, I would use:

browserHistory.listen( (location) => { //do something with loction.hash })

I was hoping for something a little more elegant in V4

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rje Avatar asked Feb 03 '17 22:02


1 Answers

Not out of the box, but the beauty of React Router 4 is that it's incredibly easy to implement this yourself.

let HashRoute = ({ component: Component, path, ...routeProps }) => (
    component={({ location, ...props }) =>
      location.hash === path && <Component {...props} />

<HashRoute path="#modalB" component={ModalB} />
like image 73
azium Avatar answered Mar 25 '23 00:03
