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Is it possible to make Razor sections optional?

If I have a page with:

    @section SomeStuff {
        <span>This is a section I just addered</span>


Is it possible for the layout to not render this section, or is that contrary to how this should work conceptually. Seems like it would be useful to be able to not render certain sections on a page (unless I'm thinking about this incorrectly).


Including the error message may be helpful, when I put a section into the main page, the layout page fails with: The following sections have been defined but have not been rendered for the layout page "/Views/Layouts/_Layout1.cshtml": "SomeStuff". As if it's forcing me to render every section on the page or something.

In otherwords, in Layout.cshtml, I don't call @RenderSection, but in Index.html I have a section called SomeStuff defined. Is that legal? Seems like it's forcing me to render all sections in the page, but that seems like sections should be optional, no?

like image 885
sircodesalot Avatar asked May 17 '13 14:05


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1 Answers

you can specify if a section is required.

@RenderSection("SomeStuff", required: false)

if you don't render it out in a view, it shouldn't error then, noted here


like image 104
Slicksim Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
