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Is it possible to make an OpenGL ES layer transparent?

Is it possible to make the background of an OpenGL ES layer transparent so you can see what is behind the OpenGL ES content?

like image 494
António Avatar asked Jul 07 '10 09:07


1 Answers

You have to do two things:

  1. When you initialize your CAEAGLLayer, set the opaque property to NO (or FALSE).

    You may also need to make sure your drawableProperties uses a color format that supports transparency (kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8 does, but kEAGLColorFormatRGB565 does not).

    eaglLayer.opaque = NO;

    eaglLayer.drawableProperties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], kEAGLDrawablePropertyRetainedBacking, kEAGLColorFormatRGBA8, kEAGLDrawablePropertyColorFormat, nil];

    If you are using XCode's OpenGL project template, this will be in [EAGLView's initWithCoder].

  2. Draw the background in a transparent color and alpha.

    glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    If you are using XCode's OpenGL project template, this will be in the "render" methods: [ES1Renderer render] and [ES2Renderer render].
like image 58
Robert Altman Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Robert Altman