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Is it possible to install Sitecore CMS on Mono on Linux or Mac?

I know its not supported for production use (or tech support won't answer your cases) but does anyone know if it is technically possible to install the Sitecore .NET CMS on Mono on Linux or OS X?

Preferably experiences with the latest Sitecore 6.5 or even Sitecore OMS would be good. It would be nice for us to have it running (for limited development purposes only) on our Linux and Mac laptops rather than Windows and IIS.

Thanks for any thoughts.


like image 785
Sitecore newbie Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 21:10

Sitecore newbie

1 Answers

After running a MoMA analysis - I'd say go on and try it. There are several Not Implemented methods, but with caveats, nothing is outright missing. However, there are over 20 P/Invoke calls - this might break Sitecore if the authors didn't expect for the not to be available in some scenarios.

like image 174
skolima Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10
