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Is it possible to hook into Hardware keyboard events at an Application level?

I am developing a Xamarin.Forms application for iOS, Android and UWP.

I would like to hook into hardware keyboard events at an application level (not an individual page level (because its a Xamarin.Forms application)) so that when a user presses a key on the keyboard I can invoke an action in my application.

On Android I did this using the following event on MainActivity:.

public override bool OnKeyUp([GeneratedEnum] Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e)
    //process key press
    return base.OnKeyUp(keyCode, e);

Is there an equivilent for Xamarin iOS?

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User1 Avatar asked Nov 10 '17 10:11


People also ask

What are the events associated with keyboard?

There are three types of keyboard events: keydown , keypress , and keyup .

Which event is specific to the keyboard in Javascript?

Events that occur when user presses a key on the keyboard, belongs to the KeyboardEvent Object.

What other properties can you access using the KeyboardEvent object?

The keyboard event object has two important properties: key and code properties that allow you to detect which key has been pressed. The key property returns the value of the key pressed while the code represents a physical key on the keyboard.

2 Answers

You can use the KeyCommands to track the key pressing from hardware keyboard.


A responder object that supports hardware keyboard commands can redefine this property and use it to return an array of UIKeyCommand objects that it supports. Each key command object represents the keyboard sequence to recognize and the action method of the responder to call in response.

The key commands you return from this method are applied to the entire responder chain. When an key combination is pressed that matches a key command object, UIKit walks the responder chain looking for an object that implements the corresponding action method. It calls that method on the first object it finds and then stops processing the event.

In Xamarin.forms, you have to create custom renderer for ContentPage at iOS platform. Then the keycommands can be added in that page renderer.

If you want the key presses can be handled by the ViewController(Page), not just the input controls(such as Entry), use canBecomeFirstResponder to enable viewcontroller to become a first responder.

For example, the custom renderer of ContentPage in iOS platform could like this:

using System;
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;
using KeyCommandsInXamarinForms.iOS;

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ContentPage), typeof(MyCustomPageRenderer))]
namespace KeyCommandsInXamarinForms.iOS
    public class MyCustomPageRenderer : PageRenderer
        protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)

            if (e.OldElement != null || Element == null)

            //Create your keycommand as you need.
            UIKeyCommand keyCommand1 = UIKeyCommand.Create(new NSString("1"), UIKeyModifierFlags.Command, new ObjCRuntime.Selector("Action:"));
            UIKeyCommand keyCommand2 = UIKeyCommand.Create(new NSString("\t"), 0, new ObjCRuntime.Selector("Action:"));
            //Add your keycommands

        private void Excute(UIKeyCommand keyCommand)
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("key pressed - {0}", keyCommand.Value);

        //Enable viewcontroller to become the first responder, so it is able to respond to the key commands.
        public override bool CanBecomeFirstResponder
                return true;

Notice this line, using typeof(ContentPage) as the handler parameter, then you don't need to change anything in your PCL:

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ContentPage), typeof(MyCustomPageRenderer))]

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Kevin Li Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Kevin Li

I needed to allow numeric input + an enter at the end in my XamForms app. Here's how I solved it in Xamarin Forms / Xamarin.iOS 11.10 (it's a little different than Kevin's answer above because I wanted to handle it in the XamForms shared xaml project, not in the iOS project):

In your iOS project (with a Xamarin Forms shared project in the solution named 'MobileProject' for example), create a new class:

using Foundation;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MobileProject.MainPage), typeof (com.YourCompany.iOS.KeyboardHookRenderer))]
namespace com.YourCompany.iOS
public class KeyboardHookRenderer : PageRenderer
    private string _RecvValue = string.Empty;

    public override bool CanBecomeFirstResponder
        get { return true; }

    protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
        string key = string.Empty;
        var selector = new ObjCRuntime.Selector("KeyRecv:");
        UIKeyCommand accelerator1 = UIKeyCommand.Create((NSString)"1", 0, selector);
        UIKeyCommand accelerator2 = UIKeyCommand.Create((NSString)"2", 0, selector);
        UIKeyCommand accelerator3 = UIKeyCommand.Create((NSString)"3", 0, selector);

        ... etc as many as you need or use a loop based on key id...

    public void KeyRecv(UIKeyCommand cmd)
        if (cmd == null)
        var inputValue = cmd.Input;
        if (inputValue == "\n" || inputValue == "\r")
            ((MobileProject.MainPage) Element)?.HandleHardwareKeyboard(_RecvValue);
            _RecvValue = string.Empty;
            _RecvValue += inputValue;

Then, in your shared app in MainPage.xaml.cs, you just need:

/// <summary>
/// Handle hardware keys (from KeyboardHookRender.cs in iOS project)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="keys">Keys sent, including trailing Cr or Lf</param>
public void HandleHardwareKeyboard(string keys)
    SomeTextbox.Text = keys;
    // Whatever else you need to do to handle it
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Scott R. Frost Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Scott R. Frost