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Is it possible to get `-=` working with literals?



Today I found this post on Quora, which claimed that

factorial(n) = def $ do    
    assert (n<=0) "Negative factorial"    
    ret <- var 1    
    i <- var n    
    while i $ do    
        ret *= i    
        i -= 1
    return ret

could be correct Haskell code. I got curious, and ended up with

factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial n = def $ do
  assert (n >= 0) "Negative factorial"
  ret <- var 1
  i   <- var n
  while i $ do
      ret *= i
      i   -= 1
  return ret

using var = newSTRef, canonical definitions for def, assert and while, and

a *= b = readSTRef b >>= \b -> modifySTRef a ((*) b)
a -= b = modifySTRef a ((+) (negate b))

However, (*=) and (-=) have different types:

(-=) :: Num a => STRef s a -> a -> ST s ()
(*=) :: Num a => STRef s a -> STRef s a -> ST s ()

So ret -= i wouldn't work. I've tried to create a fitting type class for this:

class (Monad m) => NumMod l r m where
  (+=) :: l -> r -> m ()
  (-=) :: l -> r -> m ()
  (*=) :: l -> r -> m ()

instance Num a => NumMod (STRef s a) (STRef s a) (ST s) where
  a += b    = readSTRef b >>= \b -> modifySTRef a ((+) b)
  a -= b    = readSTRef b >>= \b -> modifySTRef a ((+) (negate b))
  a *= b    = readSTRef b >>= \b -> modifySTRef a ((*) b)

instance (Num a) => NumMod (STRef s a) a (ST s) where
  a += b    = modifySTRef a ((+) (b))
  a -= b    = modifySTRef a ((+) (negate b))
  a *= b    = modifySTRef a ((*) (b))

That actually works, but only as long as factorial returns an Integer. As soon as I change the return type to something else it fails. I've tried to create another instance

instance (Num a, Integral b) => NumMod (STRef s a) b (ST s) where
  a += b    = modifySTRef a ((+) (fromIntegral $ b))
  a -= b    = modifySTRef a ((+) (negate . fromIntegral $ b))
  a *= b    = modifySTRef a ((*) (fromIntegral b))

which fails due to overlapping instances.

Is it actually possible to create a fitting typeclass and instances to get the factorial running for any Integral a? Or will this problem always occur?

like image 951
Zeta Avatar asked May 26 '14 17:05


1 Answers

The idea

Idea is simple: wrap STRef s a in a new data type and make it an instance of Num.


First, we'll need only one pragma:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Data.STRef    (STRef, newSTRef, readSTRef, modifySTRef)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)

Wrapper for STRef:

data MyRef s a
  = MySTRef (STRef s a)  -- reference (can modify)
  | MyVal a              -- pure value (modifications are ignored)

instance Num a => Num (MyRef s a) where
  fromInteger = MyVal . fromInteger

A few helpers for MyRef to resemble STRef functions:

newMyRef :: a -> ST s (MyRef s a)
newMyRef x = do
  ref <- newSTRef x
  return (MySTRef ref)

readMyRef :: MyRef s a -> ST s a
readMyRef (MySTRef x) = readSTRef x
readMyRef (MyVal   x) = return x

I'd like to implement -= and *= using a bit more general alter helper:

alter :: (a -> a -> a) -> MyRef s a -> MyRef s a -> ST s ()
alter f (MySTRef x) (MySTRef y) = readSTRef y >>= modifySTRef x . flip f
alter f (MySTRef x) (MyVal   y) = modifySTRef x (flip f y)
alter _ _ _ = return ()

(-=) :: Num a => MyRef s a -> MyRef s a -> ST s ()
(-=) = alter (-)

(*=) :: Num a => MyRef s a -> MyRef s a -> ST s ()
(*=) = alter (*)

Other functions are almost unchanged:

var :: a -> ST s (MyRef s a)
var = newMyRef

def :: (forall s. ST s (MyRef s a)) -> a
def m = runST $ m >>= readMyRef

while :: (Num a, Ord a) => MyRef s a -> ST s () -> ST s ()
while i m = go
    go = do
      n <- readMyRef i
      when (n > 0) $ m >> go

assert :: Monad m => Bool -> String -> m ()
assert b str = when (not b) $ error str

factorial :: Integral a => a -> a
factorial n = def $ do
    assert (n >= 0) "Negative factorial"
    ret <- var 1
    i   <- var n
    while i $ do
      ret *= i
      i -= 1
    return ret

main :: IO ()
main = print . factorial $ 1000


Making Num instances like this feels a bit hacky, but we don't have FromInteger type class in Haskell, so I guess it's OK.

Another itchy thing is 3 *= 10 which is return (). I think it is possible to use phantom type to indicate whether MyRef is ST or pure and allow only ST on the LHS of alter.

like image 190
fizruk Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 12:11
