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Is it possible to "extend" a function / lambda / macro in Scheme?

For example: if I want the function equal? recognize my own type or record, can I add a new behavior of equal?? without erasing or overwriting the old one?

Or for example if I want to make the function "+" accept also string?

like image 349
Felipe Avatar asked May 27 '14 00:05


2 Answers

Rather than using import, a better solution is to keep track of the original function by let-binding it. It's also better to check that the type of the argument is a string, rather than that it is not a number. Using both of these approaches means that it's possible to compose the technique.

(define +
  (let ((old+ +))
    (lambda args
      (if (string? (car args))
          (apply string-append args)
          (apply old+ args)))))

(define +
  (let ((old+ +))
    (lambda args
      (if (vector? (car args))
          (apply vector-append args)
          (apply old+ args)))))

The above will produce a + function that works on numbers, strings, or vectors. In general, this is a more extensible approach.

I was able to verify that the above works correctly in MIT/GNU Scheme, Guile, Racket, Chicken, TinyScheme, and SCSH. However, in some implementations, such as Biwa Scheme, it is necessary to use set! instead of define. In Ikarus, set! cannot be used on an imported primitive, and define messes up the environment, so it is necessary to do this in two steps:

(define new+
  (let ((old+ +))
    (lambda args
      (if (string? (car args))
          (apply string-append args)
          (apply old+ args)))))
(define + new+)

Note that according to R5RS, define and set! are supposed to be equivalent in this case:

At the top level of a program, a definition

(define <variable> <expression>)

has essentially the same effect as the assignment expression

(set! <variable> <expression>)

if <variable> is bound.

like image 151
Lily Chung Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 15:11

Lily Chung

So far the solutions work less than optimal in an R6RS / R7RS environment. I was thinking generics when I started playing around with this, but I didn't want to roll my own type system. Instead you supply a predicate procedure that should ensure the arguments are good for this particular procedure. It's not perfect but it works similar to the other R5RS answers and you never redefine procedures.

I've written everything in R6RS but I imagine it's easily ported to R7RS. Here's an example:


(import (sylwester generic)
        (rename (rnrs) (+ rnrs:+))
        (only (srfi :43) vector-append))

(define-generic + rnrs:+)
(add-method + (lambda x (string? (car x))) string-append)
(add-method + (lambda x (vector? (car x))) vector-append)
(+ 4 5)                ; ==> 9
(+ "Hello," " world!") ; ==> "Hello, world!"
(+ '#(1) '#(2))        ; ==> #(1 2)

As you can see I import + by a different name so I don't need to redefine it (which is not allowed).

Here's the library implementation:


(library (sylwester generic)         
  (export define-generic add-method)
  (import (rnrs))

  (define add-method-tag (make-vector 1))

  (define-syntax define-generic
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((_ name default-procedure)
       (define name 
         (let ((procs (list (cons (lambda x #t) default-procedure))))
           (define (add-proc id pred proc)
             (set! procs (cons (cons pred proc) procs)))

           (add-proc #t
                 (lambda x (eq? (car x) add-method-tag))
           (lambda x
             (let loop ((procs procs))
               (if (apply (caar procs) x)
                   (apply (cdar procs) x)
                   (loop (cdr procs))))))))))

  (define (add-method name pred proc)
    (name add-method-tag pred proc)))

As you can see I use message passing to add more methods.

like image 35
Sylwester Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 15:11
