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Is it possible to edit Component Links in SDL Tridion UI 2012?

One big "Hi" for all humans from planet Tridion :).

I am trying to make component links editable in SDL Tridion UI 2012.

I have one component that contains multi-valued component links as one of fields.

When I put following in DWT

<!-- TemplateBeginRepeat name="componentLink" -->
 <!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="TemplateRepeatIndex<3" -->
   <a href="#" tridion:href="@@RenderComponentField(FieldPath+"componentLink",TemplateRepeatIndex)@@">
 <!-- TemplateEndIf -->
<!-- TemplateEndRepeat -->

Inside Template Builder as a result I got following:

<li><a href="#" tridion:href="<tcdl:ComponentField name="componentLink" index="0">tcm:8-625</tcdl:ComponentField>">Link0</a></li> 
<li><a href="#" tridion:href="<tcdl:ComponentField name="componentLink" index="1">tcm:8-626</tcdl:ComponentField>">Link1</a></li> 
<li><a href="#" tridion:href="<tcdl:ComponentField name="componentLink" index="2">tcm:8-627</tcdl:ComponentField>">Link2</a></li> 

As expected an error occured on "Default Finish Actions" on a page level

Unable to find proper value for tridion:href

Is it needed to extract component links inside C# TBB in some previous action or exist any other way to resolve this( Enabling component links for SDL Tridion UI)?

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Bogdan Stojanovic Avatar asked May 28 '12 09:05

Bogdan Stojanovic

2 Answers

In my "new UI VM" I have the following code in a design:

<tcdl:ComponentField name="LinkText">
  <a tridion:href="@@Component.Fields.Target@@">${LinkText}</a>

The linked Component is editable in the new UI. The tcdl:ComponentField is processed to wrap the appropriate in-context editing instructions around the link. You should be able translate that on to your code pretty easily...

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Jeremy Grand-Scrutton Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 11:11

Jeremy Grand-Scrutton

Thank you Jeremy, manually adding <tcdl:ComponentField> tag resolve this issue.

Here is final code that correctly resolve component links on a page level:

<!-- TemplateBeginRepeat name="componentLink" --> 
    <!-- TemplateBeginIf cond="TemplateRepeatIndex<3" --> 
            <tcdl:ComponentField name="componentLink">
                 <a tridion:href="@@Field@@">Link${TemplateRepeatIndex} </a>
    <!-- TemplateEndIf -->
<!-- TemplateEndRepeat -->
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Bogdan Stojanovic Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11

Bogdan Stojanovic