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Is it possible to do Solr faceting combining multiple fields, like distinct on multiple columns in RMDB?





Let's say I want to do faceting on the combination of two fields in my doc.

For example:

Field1  Field2
A        B
C        D
A        B
A        C
C        B
C        D

Will have the facet result like

AB [2]
CD [2]
AC [1]
CB [1]

Is this possible? I mean on the fly, which means the fields are picked randomly, and therefore cannot create a copyfield during index.

like image 923
BruceCui Avatar asked Dec 13 '12 08:12


1 Answers

You can group two fields using the Pivot Facets which is available on the Solr 4.0.

You can run the following query on your index to get it.


Then, the result will be like :

<lst name="facet_pivot">
  <arr name="field1,field2">
      <str name="field">field1</str>
      <str name="value">A</str>
      <int name="count">3</int>
      <arr name="pivot">
          <str name="field">field2</str>
          <str name="value">B</str>
          <int name="count">2</int>
          <str name="field">field2</str>
          <str name="value">C</str>
          <int name="count">1</int>
      <str name="field">field1</str>
      <str name="value">C</str>
      <int name="count">3</int>
      <arr name="pivot">
          <str name="field">field2</str>
          <str name="value">D</str>
          <int name="count">2</int>
          <str name="field">field2</str>
          <str name="value">B</str>
          <int name="count">1</int>
like image 128
Parvin Gasimzade Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 20:10

Parvin Gasimzade