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Is it possible to display my window over a Windows logon screen?

I'm writing a service/user-mode application that may send the system into sleep after a certain customizable period of inactivity. The user-mode process may require to display a user message/warning before performing a power operation. This works great if a user is logged in, but if the workstation is locked, a user sees a display like this:

enter image description here

So I'm curious if it is possible to display my own window (overlay) above such a logon screen?

like image 774
c00000fd Avatar asked Apr 17 '14 09:04


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Here in the Local Security Policy window, navigate to “Local Policies” and then to “Security Policies.” Once you are here, find “Interactive logon: Message title for users trying to log on” and double-click on it. In the settings window enter the message title and click on the “Ok” button to save the changes.

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2 Answers

The only supported API for this, since Vista, is the credential provider. The documentation can be found over on MSDN.

like image 132
David Heffernan Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10

David Heffernan

I found this post that might be exactly what I need. I'll post later when I try it out...

like image 42
c00000fd Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
