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Is it possible to delete an object in c++ without calling the destructor?

I have an object with some pointers inside of it. The destructor calls delete on these pointers. But sometimes I want to delete them, and sometimes I don't. So I'd like to be able to delete the object without calling the destructor. Is this possible?

Edit: I realize this is an AWFUL idea that no one should ever do. Nonetheless, I want to do it because it will make some internal functions much easier to write.

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Mike Izbicki Avatar asked Feb 14 '13 18:02

Mike Izbicki

People also ask

Does delete an object call destructor?

When delete is used to deallocate memory for a C++ class object, the object's destructor is called before the object's memory is deallocated (if the object has a destructor). If the operand to the delete operator is a modifiable l-value, its value is undefined after the object is deleted.

What happens when destructor is not called?

It is automatically called when an object is destroyed, either because its scope of existence has finished (for example, if it was defined as a local object within a function and the function ends) or because it is an object dynamically assigned and it is released using the operator delete.

Do I need to call the destructor?

No. You never need to explicitly call a destructor (except with placement new ). A class's destructor (whether or not you explicitly define one) automagically invokes the destructors for member objects. They are destroyed in the reverse order they appear within the declaration for the class.

Is the destructor automatically called?

A destructor is a member function that is invoked automatically when the object goes out of scope or is explicitly destroyed by a call to delete . A destructor has the same name as the class, preceded by a tilde ( ~ ).

1 Answers

The delete operator does two things to the object you pass it:

  • calls the appropriate destructor.
  • calls the deallocation function, operator delete.

So deleting an object without calling a destructor means you want to simply call operator delete on the object:

Foo *f = new Foo;
operator delete(f);

operator delete is a normal function call and the usual name lookup and overload resolution is done. However the delete operator has its own rules for finding the correct operator delete. For example the delete operator will look for member operator delete functions that the usual name lookup and overload resolution does not find. That means that you need to make sure you're calling the right function when you manually use operator delete.

As you say, using operator delete directly is an awful idea. Failing to call the destructor breaks RAII, resulting in resource leaks. It can even lead to undefined behavior. Also, you'll have to take on the responsibility of writing exception safe code without RAII, which is exceptionally hard. You're almost guaranteed to get it wrong.

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bames53 Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 08:11
