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Is it possible to define a recursive type in Common Lisp?

A recursive type is a type which has a base and a recursive case of itself.

I wanted this to implement "typed lists", i.e., lists whose conses only allow the same element type or nil.

I tried the following definition:

(deftype list-of (a) `(or null
                          (cons ,a (list-of ,a))))

However, this signals an stack exausted problem (at least on SBCL) due to the compiler trying to recurse over list-of indefinitely. Is it possible to define such a data type?

like image 244
ssice Avatar asked May 18 '16 13:05


2 Answers

It's not possible. The types you define with DEFTYPE are "derived types". The derived type is expanded (like a macro) into a "real" type specifier, which can't contain derived types. All references to derived types (either the type itself or others) inside the expansion are also expanded. Thus the recursive type will go into an infite loop to try and expand.

Trivial Types provides a type for proper-lists, but that doesn't actually check the element types despite taking it as an argument. For cosmetic reasons that would be sufficient.

(ql:quickload :trivial-types)
(use-package :trivial-types)
(typep '("qwe" "asd" "zxc") '(proper-list string)) ;=> T
(typep '("qwe" "asd" "zxc" 12) '(proper-list string)) ;=> T

Otherwise, you could define a type that checks if the first couple elements are correct type. That would at least catch the most obvious violations.

(deftype list-of (a)
  `(or null (cons ,a (or null (cons ,a (or null (cons ,a list)))))))
(typep '("asd") '(list-of string)) ;=> T
(typep '("asd" 12) '(list-of string)) ;=> NIL
(typep '("asd" "qwe") '(list-of string)) ;=> T
(typep '("asd" "qwe" 12) '(list-of string)) ;=> NIL
(typep '("asd" "qwe" "zxc") '(list-of string)) ;=> T
(typep '("asd" "qwe" "zxc" 12) '(list-of string)) ;=> T

If you want it to work for lists of any length, you'll have to define a type for each different list you need.

(defun list-of-strings-p (list)
  (every #'stringp list))
(deftype list-of-strings ()
  `(or null (satisfies list-of-strings-p)))
(typep '("qwe" "asd" "zxc" "rty" "fgh") 'list-of-strings) ;=> T
(typep '("qwe" "asd" "zxc" "rty" "fgh" 12) 'list-of-strings) ;=> NIL
like image 128
jkiiski Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 20:12


Yes, but I cheated ;)

(defun satisfication (a)
  (if a
      (and (integerp (car a))
       (satisfication (cdr a)))

(deftype my-list () `(satisfies satisfication))

(typep (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) 'my-list)
> T

(typep (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3.2 nil))) 'my-list)

Apparently SBCL doesn't like recursive types - the reason is well explained by another answer. But if you want to stick with the standard and still define recursive types there is a light at the end of the tunnel: you may define any function to check satisfaction.

like image 42
Sim Avatar answered Dec 01 '22 20:12
