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Is it possible to crop camera preview?

I have not found any way to crop camera ppreview and then display it on the SurfaceView.

Android - Is it possible to crop camera preview?

like image 560
Anderson Avatar asked Dec 22 '11 09:12


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1 Answers

You can do this without overlay views (which won't work in all situations).

Subclass ViewGroup, add the SurfaceView as the only child, then:

  1. in onMeasure supply the cropped dimensions you want.
  2. in onLayout, layout the SurfaceView with the un-cropped dimensions.


public class CroppedCameraPreview extends ViewGroup {
  private SurfaceView cameraPreview;
  public CroppedCameraPreview( Context context ) {
    super( context );
    // i'd probably create and add the SurfaceView here, but it doesn't matter
  protected void onMeasure( int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec ) {
    setMeasuredDimension( croppedWidth, croppedHeight );
  protected void onLayout( boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b ) {
    if ( cameraPreview != null ) {
      cameraPreview.layout( 0, 0, actualPreviewWidth, actualPreviewHeight );
like image 190
momo Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10
