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Is it possible to create a patch using a set of changelists?



Problem: 2 projects shared trunk and were updating some of the same files. Now one project needs to be released, so a new branch was created from a checkpoint before the projects started.

I have a list of just my changelist numbers from the mainline. Using that I can generate a list changed files and diff output using a script with a series of 'p4 describe #' commands.

Can I reformat that output and apply it to the new branch somehow?

like image 456
webXL Avatar asked Apr 21 '10 21:04


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1 Answers

Response to the title: "Is it possible to create a patch using a set of changelists?" Yes.

p4 diff2 -u //path_to_your_sources/...@cln_minus_1 //path_to_your_sources/...@cln > /tmp/cln.patch.

You can then use /tmp/cln.patch as input to the patch utility. Here, 'cln' is the submitted change list number that you want to create a patch for.

like image 74
Chaitanya Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
