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How can I grab my local changelist and send it to someone else in Perforce?



How can I grab my local changelist and send it to someone else in Perforce? More specifically, I would like to send unsubmitted changes from a local pending changelist to another user's pending changelist.

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Won Jun Bae Avatar asked Dec 17 '08 00:12

Won Jun Bae

2 Answers

set P4DIFF=C:\cygwin\bin\diff.exe
p4 diff -du -c 12345 > patch-to-head.diff

# On Other machine
patch -p1 < patch-to-head.diff

I may be wrong on the env var there, and you might have to do some fixups on the diff file, but the general idea is that you generate a GNU Unified Diff, that you can send to people that can use GNU patch to apply it.

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Ana Betts Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Ana Betts

P4 now has native support for the shelve operation in 2009.2. Both the client and server need to be at least 2009.2 to use this.


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Tim Danner Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Tim Danner