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Is it possible to change the context of a WebView after it has been instantiated?

I have a WebView I'm loading in an activity in order to have it preloaded so that it pops up immediately in a different Activity (launched from the first).

The problem is that in order to instantiate a WebView, I have to pass in a Context, in this case it's the first mentioned above.

So it works great, and the second Activity shows the WebView just fine. The problem is that if I click a <select> dropdown in the WebView, its selector dialog shows up UNDER the WebView. It feels like the select doesn't work at all until you hit the back button and briefly see the selection dialog just before you return to the parent activity.

It seems as though when I append the WebView to the layout in the second activity, it's modals get attached to that activity's window, but the WebView itself is attached to the parent activity's window, so it shows in a higher point in the hierarchy.

How can I possibly change the Context of the WebView after it's been instantiated?

This is a very difficult problem to solve -- I have to create the WebViews before the activity is started, but I also need the selection dialogs to work.

Please if anyone can give me some insights here I'd greatly appreciate it.

This is for an SDK project, so I will not have access to the parent activity. Also, saveState isn't working, because the bulk of what is shown in the WebView is generated by JavaScript, and the full DOM stack doesn't transfer.

like image 578
crimulus Avatar asked Dec 06 '14 00:12


People also ask

How do you override a WebView?

If you want to override certain methods, you have to create a custom WebView class which extends WebView . Also, when you are inflating the WebView , make sure you are casting it to the correct type which is CustomWebView . CustomWebView webView = (CustomWebView) findViewById(R. id.

What can I use instead of WebView?

Alternatives to WebView If you want to send users to a mobile site, build a progressive web app (PWA). If you want to display third-party web content, send an intent to installed web browsers. If you want to avoid leaving your app to open the browser, or if you want to customize the browser's UI, use Custom Tabs.

How can I improve my WebView performance?

I read about how to increase performance of WebView by implementing Caching web resources like JS, CSS and image files. You can also static resources in your native application, and by intercepting the Resource requests you can override the default behaviour of WebView.

What is WebView content?

Android System WebView is a system component for the Android operating system (OS) that enables Android apps to display web content directly inside an application.

1 Answers

You can try to create the WebView with a MutableContextWrapper:

MutableContextWrapper mMutableContext=new MutableContextWrapper(context);
WebView mWebView=new WebView(mMutableContext);

and later on you could do


But ...

  • WebView is a very complex component that will probably be using the passed context to create other objects like Handlers. WebView probably uses those handlers to post stuff to the original UI thread, so at the end you'll probably have a View with a mix of contexts, you know, a double memory leak (if it ever works properly)

  • Webview spans at least 1 thread "webcore" that is where the action happens and is also in constant communication with the original UI thread with ... handlers? through the original context? who knows!

  • There are even 2 different webview engines: Kitkat is chromium-based while jelly bean and previous versions use AOSP/WebView. So you have an additional breaking point.

  • The reasons you state are not strong enough imho. WebView is not that slow. If the app you load is, try to optimize it. There are a lot of things you can do for that, like loading the HTML & graphics from internal assets.

like image 141
rupps Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 12:11
