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android to android live video stream via Wifi direct (P2P) [closed]

I have two android devices(phones).Let's call P1 and P2. I'm writing two apps, one for live-stream P1's camera video and other for view that video (from P2).

I want to connect these two devices via wifi Direct (No router). I have searched the internet for days now on how to implement a video streaming feature from an android phone to another android phone over a WiFi connection but not using Wifi direct (p2p).

Here I specifically want to do this via wifi direct. Can someone help me ?
Thank you :)

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ashan8k Avatar asked Dec 22 '13 12:12


People also ask

What is WiFi P2P connection?

Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) allows devices with the appropriate hardware to connect directly to each other via Wi-Fi without an intermediate access point.

What is P2P device?

What does P2P mean? A P2P (peer to peer) connection is a direct communication infrastructure between two peers: a client device (such as a smartphone or a laptop) and an IoT device (such as a surveillance camera, smart door lock, alarm system, heat controller, or anything else that can connect to the internet).

2 Answers

A few thoughts:

  1. To manage the WiFi direct/p2p connection you could use something like:
    • android.net.wifi.p2p
  2. To stream the video from a device, checkout these open-source examples
    • spydroid ipcamera
    • ipcamera for android
    • SIPDroid
  3. To handle displaying the video, (depending on the video stream) you could use:
    • An updating ImageView
    • A VideoView
      • See: Video Streaming and Android
    • A WebView
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Dylan Watson Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Dylan Watson

Use ES Explorer APP from Google play

In App setting there is remote setting and check it and an ftp ip address like

  • "ftp://***********

    will appear.

On the other device ES Explorer APP file menu select Ftp and add server and enter the ip address from other device.

the first device will appear on second device now

Go it file system play videos


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Hussain Nasif Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Hussain Nasif