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Is it possible to build an ASP MVC app without magic strings in views?



I'm very new to ASP .Net MVC, I bought the Pro ASP .Net MVC Framework book from Apress last week and it's proving to be very helpful.

The problem that I'm seeing so far is that almost all the example views are riddled with magic strings. I've managed to go through and figure out a few alternatives, but the code starts to get kinda difficult to read. For example:

<% using(Html.BeginForm("RemoveFromCart", "Cart")){ %>
    <%= Html.Hidden("ProductID", line.Product.ProductID) %>
    <%= Html.Hidden("returnUrl", ViewData["returnRrl"]) %>
    <input type="submit" value="Remove" />
<% } %>


<% using (Html.BeginForm<CartController>(c => c.RemoveFromCart(null, line.Product.ProductID, (string)ViewData["returnUrl"]))) { %>
    <input type="submit" value="Remove" />
<% } %>

I can get away with this example, because the first parameter to RemoveFromCart is pulled from the session via a ModelBinder, but it's not intuitive to read.

My concern is that I'm going to spend my time fighting the framework to avoid magic strings and in the process end up with mark up that's a pain to read. In peoples experience is this a valid concern and is there a reference on the web where there is a "magic string method" to "type safe method" lookup table?

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ilivewithian Avatar asked Jul 12 '09 17:07


People also ask

Which is better ASP.NET or MVC?

ASP.NET requires less expertise than MVC and is much faster to develop web applications overall. Prior knowledge of HTML is not required. ASP.NET uses a more mature code-base and has a larger web control toolbox. It's more sensible to use ASP.NET if you are already relying on 3rd party UI controls.

Why ASP.NET MVC is better?

The main advantages of ASP.net MVC are: Enables the full control over the rendered HTML. Provides clean separation of concerns(SoC). Enables Test Driven Development (TDD).

Is ASP.NET the same as MVC?

The primary difference between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core is their cross-platform approach. ASP.NET Core can be used on Windows, Mac, or Linux, whereas ASP.NET MVC can only be used for applications on Windows.

How good is ASP.NET MVC?

asp.net mvc is nice for people whom do not really have the time to properly create an MVC app in a webforms environment and also to those whom do not have the time to architect a better solution. in conlcusion, asp.net mvc is good but there is a much better way of doing it and finally, MVC is NOT a technology.

3 Answers

By using T4MVC and the MVC Futures, you can easily eliminate 99% of the magic strings.

Both of those projects are available from http://aspnet.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=24471

T4MVC will take care of controllers, actions, and routing, while the futures stuff has strongly-typed HTML helpers. The MVCContrib project is another project to look at, as it includes some strongly-typed fluent HTML builders.

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OdeToCode Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10


I read with interest this blog post from LosTechies:
A new breed of magic strings in ASP.NET MVC

They suggest changing this:

Url.Action<ProductsController>(x => x.Edit(null), new { productId = prodId })

which contains the magic string productID, to this:

Url.Action<ProductsController>(x => x.Edit(null), 
    new RouteValueDictionary { { ProductsController.ProductId, prodId } })

ProductId is now strongly-typed.

Or you can create a real object instead of an anonymous one:

Url.Action<ProductsController>(x => x.Edit(null), 
    new EditProductParams { product = prodId })

But now you need this:

public class EditProductParams
    public Guid product { get; set; }

Their last suggestion is to use a fluent interface. You can write this:

Url.Action<ProductsController>(x => x.Edit(null, null), 

Which looks pretty clean (if a little redundant), but it requires this:

public static class Params
    public static ParamBuilder Product(Product product)
        var builder = new ParamBuilder();

        return builder.Product(product);

    public static ParamBuilder Customer(Customer customer)
        var builder = new ParamBuilder();

        return builder.Customer(customer);

...and this:

public class ParamBuilder
    private Product _product;
    private Customer _customer;

    public ParamBuilder Product(Product product)
        _product = product;
        return this;

    public ParamBuilder Customer(Customer customer)
        _customer = customer;
        return this;

...and this:

public static implicit operator RouteValueDictionary(ParamBuilder paramBuilder)
    var values = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    if (paramBuilder._product != null)
        values.Add("p", paramBuilder._product.Id);

    if (paramBuilder._product != null)
        values.Add("c", paramBuilder._customer.Id);

    return new RouteValueDictionary(values);

I could see this working if it could be written using generics, so that it would only have to be written once.

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Robert Harvey Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10

Robert Harvey

I think you might know this already, but we can certainly create strongly typed Views which would allow us to use Html.Encode(Model.PropertyName) format in the View. Here is a link which explains this

http://blogs.lessthandot.com/index.php/WebDev/WebDesignGraphicsStyling/me-and-asp-net-mvc-less-magic-strings .

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theraneman Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
