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Is it possible to bind different interfaces to the same instance of a class implementing all of them?

I have the following (simplified) situation: I have two interfaces

interface IAmAnInterface {     void DoSomething(); } 


interface IAmAnInterfaceToo {     void DoSomethingElse(); } 

and a class implementing both:

class IAmAnImplementation: IAmAnInterface, IAmAnInterfaceToo {     public IAmAnImplementation()     {     }      public void DoSomething()     {     }      public void DoSomethingElse()     {     } } 

Now I bind the same class to both interfaces using Ninject. Since I want the same instance of IAmAnImplementation beeing used for IAmAnInterface as well as IAmAnInterfaceToo it's clear that I need some kind of singleton. I played around with ninject.extensions.namedscope as well as InScope() but had no success. My last try was:

Bind<IAmAnImplementation>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); Bind<IAmAnInterface>().To<IAmAnImplementation>().InSingletonScope(); Bind<IAmAnInterfaceToo>().To<IAmAnImplementation>().InSingletonScope(); 

But unfortunately when I request an instance of my test class via kernel.Get<IDependOnBothInterfaces>(); it in fact uses different instances of IAmAnImplementation.

class IDependOnBothInterfaces {     private IAmAnInterface Dependency1 { get; set; }     private IAmAnInterfaceToo Dependency2 { get; set; }      public IDependOnBothInterfaces(IAmAnInterface i1, IAmAnInterfaceToo i2)     {         Dependency1 = i1;         Dependency2 = i2;     }      public bool IUseTheSameInstances     {         get { return Dependency1 == Dependency2; } // returns false     } } 

Is there a way tell Ninject to use the same instance of IAmAnImplementation for IAmAnInterface as well as IAmAnInterfaceToo?

like image 304
Silas Avatar asked Apr 18 '12 08:04


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1 Answers

It is very easy using V3.0.0

Bind<I1, I2, I3>().To<Impl>().InSingletonScope(); 
like image 167
Remo Gloor Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10

Remo Gloor