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Is it possible to and worth getting certified in AngularJS? [closed]



I'm looking for full time work as a web developer. On the upside, I have 15 years of experience. On the downside, my skills have gone a bit stale because I spent the last five or so years spending more time doing marketing work, what little web coding I was doing was mostly maintaining content. My skills have gone a little stale as a result.

I'm working through the book learning AngularJS (AngularJS Up and Running) and I'm getting to grips with it. However since I don't have any experience of using it in a real application, I would like to get it onto my resume with some sort of credential.

Are there any certifications out there that would be worth getting? Google throws up a few MOOCs like Udemy which apparently will give you a "certification of completion" once you finish their course, but I don't know how much value that has.

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Eamonn Gormley Avatar asked Dec 05 '14 07:12

Eamonn Gormley

People also ask

Is there any certification for Angular JS?

But sadly, Angular does not have any official certification because there is no direct authority of the ownership.

Is AngularJS easy?

AngularJS is perfect for Single Page Applications (SPAs). AngularJS is easy to learn.

How hard is Angular?

The answer to the question- Is angular easy to learn, totally depends on your knowledge and learning of JavaScript. So if you have a basic knowledge of JavaScript, it would be easy for you to sail through. But are not well versed with your basics then indeed learning Angular will be an uneven hilly patch for you.

1 Answers

I've never once heard of anyone being "certified in AngularJS", and I will admit the idea of it seems kind of silly to me personally.

AngularJS is a new, somewhat evolving open-source technology, so I'm not sure who other than the Angular team would be qualified to certify you in the first place. And with 2.0 around the corner, things will change yet again.

I've hired angular developers, and the single best thing you could do (in my eyes) would be to build or contribute to a working open-source project of some kind and then know your stuff when we do a code review during the hiring process.

Updated "somewhat unstable" to "somewhat evolving" ;)

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Tyler Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
