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Is it possible to add more characters after a binding in xaml?


I was wondering something, and couldn't find any relevant topics. I have following binding :

Content="{x:Static resx:Resource.Form_OtherOption_Description}" 

This will place a string in a label. What i was asking myself is if i can add a ":" after that binding, not in code, just in xaml. The label represent something like "Name :". But adding the ":" as part of the binding is not an option.


I'm working in 3.5 version

Any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

like image 769
Terry Avatar asked Feb 09 '11 16:02


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2 Answers

You could accomplish this with something like:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Static resx:Resource.Form_OtherOption_Description},                          StringFormat={}{0}:}" /> 

Edit: <Label>s Content property does not respect the StringFormat property of a binding apparently. Which I've found has been moved to the ContentStringFormat property on the <Label>.

<Label Content="{x:Static resx:Resource.Form_OtherOption_Description}"        ContentStringFormat="{}{0}:" /> 
like image 53
user7116 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09


If you're using WPF 4.0, you could also do this:

<TextBlock>        <Run Text="{Binding SomeLabel}"/>        <Run Text=":"/> </TextBlock> 

This actually concatenates the two strings coming from two Run tag and copied into TextBlock.Text property!.

Using this approach you can even bind to different properties in presenter, and display it in a single TexBlock. See this excellent example:

Can we concat two properties in data binding?

like image 29
Nawaz Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
