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ExecuteStoreQuery with Dbcontext


I want to use ExecuteStoreQuery function of Entity Framework and I was wondered that my context variable didn't have ExecuteStoreQuery method.

So, I discovered that it's a method of ObjectContext class, but I've already used DbContext for my application. I simply had tried to change DbContext with ObjectContext, but it brought some errors(for example, in ObjectContext isn't OnModelCreating method).

How can I use ExecuteStoreQuery with DbContext and if I can't, is any alternatives of ExecuteStoreQuery in DbContext?

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Chuck Norris Avatar asked Dec 28 '11 13:12

Chuck Norris

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2 Answers

A DbContext is simply a wrapper around the ObjectContext.

You can still access the original ObjectContext by using IObjectContextAdapter

(dbContext as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext; 
like image 115
Wouter de Kort Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

Wouter de Kort

I want to add that I think now the correct method is:

dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<T>(string sql); 
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Tesserex Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
