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Is it possible to add <key, value> pair at the end of the dictionary in python

When I introduce new pair it is inserted at the beginning of dictionary. Is it possible to append it at the end?

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user1801180 Avatar asked Nov 05 '12 19:11


3 Answers


As of Python 3.7, dictionaries remember the insertion order. By simply adding a new value, you can be sure that it will be "at the end" if you iterate over the dictionary.

Dictionaries have no order, and thus have no beginning or end. The display order is arbitrary. If you need order, you can use a list of tuples instead of a dict:

In [1]: mylist = []

In [2]: mylist.append(('key', 'value'))

In [3]: mylist.insert(0, ('foo', 'bar'))

You'll be able to easily convert it into a dict later:

In [4]: dict(mylist)
Out[4]: {'foo': 'bar', 'key': 'value'}

Alternatively, use a collections.OrderedDict as suggested by IamAlexAlright.

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Lev Levitsky Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11

Lev Levitsky

A dict in Python is not "ordered" - in Python 2.7+ there's collections.OrderedDict, but apart from that - no... The key point of a dictionary in Python is efficient key->lookup value... The order you're seeing them in is completely arbitrary depending on the hash algorithm...

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Jon Clements Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Jon Clements

No. Check the OrderedDict from collections module.

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alexvassel Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11
