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Is it possible AVRCP on BLE with iOS?

I am working on the iOS app to control music player over Bluetooth LE. I have BLE enabled peripheral device (Wearable Watch) and it will act as a music remote controller. I came to know that AVRCP profile is the option provided by iOS to control music on iPhone, but this profile is based on classic Bluetooth profile(Not on BLE).


Is there any way for controlling Music player using iOS BLE service?

Can Please provide me the suggestion to control music player (Play, Pause, Next and Previous) on iPhone using BLE service?

I was refer this links

What specs do I need to know to develop bluetooth (AVRCP 1.4) iPhone app

iOS Bluetooth dual-mode; connect BLE (GATT) to an already connected BR/EDR (A2DP/HFP) stereo headset simultaneously

What profile can I use with CoreBluetooth?

Please help me out.

Thanks in Advance.

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Yuyutsu Avatar asked Dec 03 '15 14:12


2 Answers

AVRCP is a BR/EDR profile. It is not available on LE. LE only accepts the items listed in the GATT-Based Specifications part of adopted specifications page.

You could implement a HID profile (used for input devices) on your device, then you may send key presses for Play/Pause, Next, Previous, Volume up/down, Mute, etc.. Most multimedia keys work as expected.

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Nipo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


Since the question was only about iOS the correct answer is to use Apple's proprietary GATT protocol, which has been developed already in 2014.

The Apple Media Service (AMS) is used with Bluetooth accessories that connect to iOS devices through Bluetooth low-energy links. It gives them a simple and convenient way to control media apps and access information about the media states of the connected iOS devices.


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jeik Jeikki Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

jeik Jeikki