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Is it ok to have multiple groups of Given/When/Then in a single gherkin scenario


I'm writing acceptance tests in Gherkin where I want to test for multiple changes in the UI of a web app based on an initial action. Here's an example:

        Scenario: Cancel editing a new text asset             Given the user "[email protected]" is logged in             When the user navigates to "/build/"             And the user clicks the "Sandbox" link             And the user inputs "Test story for canceling editing of a new text asset" for the "title" field             And the user inputs "Test User" for the "byline" field              And the user inputs "My summary, so exciting!" for the "summary" textarea             And the user clicks on "Untitled Section" in the section list             And the user clicks the "Text" icon in the "center" container              And the user inputs the following text in the rich text editor:                     """                     Test text for asset. This is cool.                      """             And the user clicks the "cancel" button             Then the following text is not present:                      """                     Test text for asset. This is cool.                      """             And the "Image" icon is present             And the "Text" icon is present             When the user refreshes the browser              And the user clicks on "Untitled Section" in the section list             Then the following text is not present:                     """                     Test text for asset. This is cool.                      """             When the user opens the asset drawer             Then the following text is not present:                     """                     Test text for asset. This is cool.                     """ 

Note that there are multiple groups of When/Then steps, to test for responses of the initial action. While most implementations of steps ignore the prefix keyword, and I'm pretty sure that I can get this test to run, is there a better way to test the different outcomes? Is it better practice to write multiple scenarios with the same setup but different "Then" statements?

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Geoffrey Hing Avatar asked Oct 15 '13 22:10

Geoffrey Hing

People also ask

Are Gherkin scenarios with multiple when then pairs okay?

The Cardinal Rule is a way to break out of the procedure-driven mindset, and banning multiple When-Then pairs per Gherkin scenario is an effective rule for enforcing it.

Can we use multiple when and then in feature file?

You see - only one line of When, without any Ands under When. If you use many When steps instead, you create test script, not a specification.

Can we have multiple given in Cucumber?

It can contain one or more Given steps, which are run before each scenario, but after any Before hooks.

Is it possible to implement more than one scenario in a single feature?

It is not possible to have multiple feature inside single feature file. If you create multiple feature inside single feature file, you will get Gherkin Parser exception while running cucumber scenarios. So the answer is NO.

2 Answers

Remember that you should test only ONE behaviour/feature at a time. The rule of thumb is that you should use only one When step:

Given some state before action   And some other state before action   ... When  only one action Then  assert correct output   And assert correct output   ... 

You see - only one line of When, without any Ands under When. If you use many When steps instead, you create test script, not a specification. Your tests will be hard to understand and you will notice that you add more and more steps when the underlying implementation changes.

You also need to keep underlying logic hidden, because you don't want to change it every time you change something irrelevant. Example:

And the user inputs "My summary, so exciting!" for the "summary" textarea

What if you change the summary field from a textarea to an input type? You have to change the scenario (maintenance nightmare) or left you scenario lying (worse than not having scenario). You should write instead:

When the user describes it as "so exciting!" 

But still, the structure of the whole scenario is bad. Ask yourself the question: what I want to check? If I were a person that wants to understand the business logic of the feature I would like to see something like:

Scenario: Cancel editing a new text asset   Given I edit the Sandbox details with some data   When  I cancel editing   Then  Sandox details should be empty 

That's it!

How to achieve it? Move all irrelevant logic deeper, use the PageObject pattern etc. And read about Specification By Example

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Michael Szymczak Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 05:10

Michael Szymczak

In contrast to the previous answer, there is no strict rule on how one can use define the steps. Cucumber official documentation at https://cucumber.io/docs/gherkin/reference/ recommends to use only one When due to the fact that only behavior is listed in one acceptance criteria. This is just a recommendation, but not a rule. And Cucumber documentation is mostly focused on the Acceptance criteria specification, but not the test automation. So, it is definitely possible to follow how it best suits your requirement when it comes to automation testing. I'd recommend using fewer "And" keywords by merging different steps. Below points I recommend (It is a recommendation, but not a rule :) ):

  1. Use only one Given, When and Then keywords in one flow of a scenario, use "And" keyword if you need to specify extra steps at the appropriate event
  2. If you come across using too many "And" keywords, try to merge multiple such steps

In reality, we cannot just use only one When in the test automation, because:

  1. Number of tests in the automation increases
  2. Total execution time for the automation goes up
  3. We may be doing a lot of redundant actions across multiple scenarios if we use only one When. Consider that you need to perform 5 steps as the initial condition for testing 10 different actions. Here, you will perform these 5 steps for 10 times when you use only one "When" - This consumes too much time, and causes the tests to be unstable, and causes more load on your application
  4. Due to the increased number of tests, we need to spend more time to analyze the results, more time to maintain

I also recommend testing the behavior based on the requirement. If your requirement is about verifying something in the "test area" rather than the "input area", your step should indicate that. Remember that if the requirement is changed, development is code changed, and hence the test automation code is also changed.

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CMM Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10