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Is it feasible to use Lisp/Scheme as a scripting language? [closed]


Is it feasible to script in a Lisp, as opposed to Ruby/Python/Perl/(insert accepted scripting language)? By this I mean do things like file processing (open a text file, count the number of words, return the nth line), string processing (reverse, split, slice, remove punctuation), prototyping/quick computations, and other things you would normally use Python, etc. for. How productive would doing such tasks in a Lisp be, as opposed to Ruby/Python/Perl/scripting language of choice?

I ask because I want to learn a Lisp but also use it to do something instead of only learning it for the sake of it. I looked around, but couldn't find much information about scripting in a Lisp. If it is feasible, what would be a good implementation?

Thank you!