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Is it bad form to call the default assignment operator from the copy constructor?

Consider a class of which copies need to be made. The vast majority of the data elements in the copy must strictly reflect the original, however there are select few elements whose state is not to be preserved and need to be reinitialized.

Is it bad form to call a default assignment operator from the copy constructor?

The default assignment operator will behave well with Plain Old Data( int,double,char,short) as well user defined classes per their assignment operators. Pointers would need to be treated separately.

One drawback is that this method renders the assignment operator crippled since the extra reinitialization is not performed. It is also not possible to disable the use of the assignment operator thus opening up the option of the user to create a broken class by using the incomplete default assignment operator A obj1,obj2; obj2=obj1; /* Could result is an incorrectly initialized obj2 */ .

It would be good to relax the requirement that to a(orig.a),b(orig.b)... in addition to a(0),b(0) ... must be written. Needing to write all of the initialization twice creates two places for errors and if new variables (say double x,y,z) were to be added to the class, initialization code would need to correctly added in at least 2 places instead of 1.

Is there a better way?

Is there be a better way in C++0x?

class A {
    A(): a(0),b(0),c(0),d(0)
    A(const A & orig){
      *this = orig;       /* <----- is this "bad"? */
      c = int();
    int a,b,c,d;

A X;
X.a = 123;
X.b = 456;
X.c = 789;
X.d = 987;

A Y(X);

printf("X: %d %d %d %d\n",X.a,X.b,X.c,X.d);
printf("Y: %d %d %d %d\n",Y.a,Y.b,Y.c,Y.d);


X: 123 456 789 987
Y: 123 456 0 987

Alternative Copy Constructor:

A(const A & orig):a(orig.a),b(orig.b),c(0),d(orig.d){}  /* <-- is this "better"? */
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Marc Avatar asked Oct 07 '09 19:10


2 Answers

As brone points out, you're better off implementing assignment in terms of copy construction. I prefer an alternative idiom to his:

T& T::operator=(T t) {
    swap(*this, t);
    return *this;

It's a bit shorter, and can take advantage of some esoteric language features to improve performance. Like any good piece of C++ code, it also has some subtleties to watch for.

First, the t parameter is intentionally passed by value, so that the copy constructor will be called (most of the time) and we can modify is to our heart's content without affecting the original value. Using const T& would fail to compile, and T& would trigger some surprising behaviour by modifying the assigned-from value.

This technique also requires swap to be specialized for the type in a way that doesn't use the type's assignment operator (as std::swap does), or it will cause an infinite recursion. Be careful of any stray using std::swap or using namespace std, as they will pull std::swap into scope and cause problems if you didn't specialize swap for T. Overload resolution and ADL will ensure the correct version of swap is used if you have defined it.

There are a couple of ways to define swap for a type. The first method uses a swap member function to do the actual work and has a swap specialization that delegates to it, like so:

class T {
    // ....
    void swap(T&) { ... }

void swap(T& a, T& b) { a.swap(b); }

This is pretty common in the standard library; std::vector, for example, has swapping implemented this way. If you have a swap member function you can just call it directly from the assignment operator and avoid any issues with function lookup.

Another way is to declare swap as a friend function and have it do all of the work:

class T {
    // ....
    friend void swap(T& a, T& b);

void swap(T& a, T& b) { ... }

I prefer the second one, as swap() usually isn't an integral part of the class' interface; it seems more appropriate as a free function. It's a matter of taste, however.

Having an optimized swap for a type is a common method of achieving some of the benefits of rvalue references in C++0x, so it's a good idea in general if the class can take advantage of it and you really need the performance.

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Jeff Hardy Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Jeff Hardy

With your version of the copy constructor the members are first default-constructed and then assigned.
With integral types this doesn't matter, but if you had non-trivial members like std::strings this is unneccessary overhead.

Thus, yes, in general your alternative copy constructor is better, but if you only have integral types as members it doesn't really matter.

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Georg Fritzsche Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Georg Fritzsche