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Is good practice to store data in service angular 2

In a lot of tutorials, some data (e.g. list of todos) is stored in service. Is it good practice? I'm new in Angular 2 and I want to learn how code right.

Some code example:

export class JsonRestService {

    jsonObject = {};
    jsonContent = {};

    constructor(private http:Http) {
            data => this.startGeneratingHtmlTemplateProcess(data),
            error => console.log(error + " - Błąd pobrania jsona")

    getXmlInJson() {
        let url = "http://localhost:8080/xml";
        return this.http.get(url);

    public convertRestJsonToObject$() {
            data =>  this.startGeneratingHtmlTemplateProcess(data.json),
            error => console.log(error + " - Błąd pobrania jsona")

   private startGeneratingHtmlTemplateProcess(data) {
        this.jsonObject = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))._body);
        this.jsonContent = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data._body));

   showObjectInConsole() {
       console.log("Wyzwolone prze przycisk: ");

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scorpion Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 16:03


2 Answers

While services are often used to retrieve/update data by interacting with a data source, they can be quite handy in storing data as well. For example, if you need to retrieve a large piece of data, you can cache it in the service:

export class DataService{

    mydata: Array<string>[];

    constructor(private http:Http){}

    loadData(): Observable<string[]> {
        if (this.mydata){
            return Observable.from(this.mydata);  // return from cache
        } else
            return this.http.get("./assets/LargeDataSet.json")
                .map(res => res.json())
                .do(data => this.mydata = data);

In this example, the retrieval of a large data set will happen on the first call of loadData(), while the subsequent calls will return the data fast without making a time-consuming http.get(). Since a service can be a singleton, many components can take an advantage of using the data cached in the service. You can also store an app state inside a singleton service.

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Yakov Fain Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 16:03

Yakov Fain

The good practice is to use services to provide datas. A service is a class with method that call the api (or whatever) to get (or post, or put or delete) the data and return the result to the component.

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Adrien PESSU Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 15:03

Adrien PESSU