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Is Github.com source code open source? [closed]

... or the shoemaker's children go barefoot?

I would like to fix some styling & have an idea for the feature (and a lot of free time) but I cannot find any github.com page on github.com.

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qqryq Avatar asked Jun 17 '14 01:06


People also ask

Is GitHub source code open source?

GitHub is not open source. Pragmatically, this doesn't make much of a difference to most users. The vast majority of code put onto GitHub is, presumably, encouraged to be shared by everyone, so GitHub's primary function is a sort of public backup service.

Why is GitHub not open source?

"GitHub isn't open-source, because they have a commercial offer based on it" seems to imply that you can't charge for open source software, but actually they could open source it and continue to have a commercial offering, if they wanted.

Is GitHub Enterprise open source?

Whether you're using Enterprise Server or Enterprise Cloud, you can search for code, issues, and more from millions of open source projects alongside your private projects using GitHub Connect and unified search. Read more about unified search, open source guides, and open source organizations.

2 Answers

GitHub isn't open-source, but you can apply your ideas on an (open-source) GitHub-look-alike:


A ruby application with its source code here).
They accept suggestions and pull requests


gogs.io (less active than gitea)

Update 2015: you also have other GitHub-look-alike in Go:






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VonC Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10


I was wondering the same thing!

They seem to have some open source code but not the entire code base.

check it out here: https://github.com/github

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codekitty Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
