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Is git svn compatible with git subtree?

Now that git subtree has been merged into the core git distribution (its also on Msysgit as of 1.8.0), does anyone know if git svn works with git subtree?

Note: I am not talking about the subtree merge strategy, but about this.

Git submodules cannot be used directly when you are using git svn. Instead, it requires another level of indirection. In addition, the git subtree workflow is more convenient when you're tracking third party respositories, which is something that happens when you use svn too.

My question is, how do I find out if git subtree has any issues when used with git svn?

like image 464
Carl Avatar asked Nov 19 '12 04:11


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Can I use git and SVN at the same time?

You can clone a subversion repository to your machine using git svn clone <SVN repo URL> . The code will be available as a git repository. You can do your work there and make local commits as you please. There is a command line option to get a "shallow" checkout rather than the entire repository which is often useful.

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The difference between Git and SVN version control systems is that Git is a distributed version control system, whereas SVN is a centralized version control system. Git uses multiple repositories including a centralized repository and server, as well as some local repositories.

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Git submodules (manual) link to a particular commit in another project's repository, much like svn:externals with an -r argument. Submodules are easy to set up, but all users have to manage the submodules, which are not automatically included in checkouts (or clones).

Which feature of git makes attractive over SVN?

The biggest difference between Git vs Subversion (SVN) is that Git version control is distributed while SVN is centralized. There are also key differences in repositories, branching, and more. If you're considering switching from SVN to Git, you'll want to take these into account.

1 Answers

I am currently using it. The only issue (or side effect) I noticed, is that if I dcommit into the svn the merge from the subtree is committed as one single commit (like squash); so you will loose the history of the subtree commits in the svn repo.

like image 63
housemaister Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
