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Is forcing complex passwords "more important" than salting?

I've spent the past 2 hours reading up on salting passwords, making sure that I understood the idea. I was hoping some of you could share your knowledge on my conclusions.

If I'm an attacker, and I gain access to a user database, I could just take all the per-user salts present in the table and use those to create my rainbow tables. For big tables this could take a long time. If I could cut the list down to users of interest (admins, mods) I could use much bigger dictionary lists to create the rainbow tables, raising my percentage of hits...

If this is true then it seems that salting really doesn't do all that much to help. It only marginally slows down an attacker.

I know ideally you would want to force complex passwords and salt them with unique and random strings, but forcing complex passwords can annoy users (i know it annoys me), so a lot of sites don't do it. It seems sites are doing their users a disservice with this, and that forcing complex passwords is a lot more important than a good salting method.

I guess this isn't so much a question, but a request for others knowledge on the situation.

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Galen Avatar asked Nov 17 '09 03:11


People also ask

Are complex passwords more secure?

Longer passwords, even consisting of simpler words or constructs, are better than short passwords with special characters.

Why is it important to have a complex password?

Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your computer and personal information. The stronger your password, the more protected your computer will be from hackers and malicious software. You should maintain strong passwords for all accounts on your computer.

Is it better to have a long or complex password?

According to guidance offered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), password length is more important than password complexity. This actually makes a lot of sense as longer passphrases take longer to crack, and they are easier to remember than a string of meaningless characters.

Do passwords need to be complex?

Strong and complex – Strong passwords are still key. Security experts agree that upper and lowercase alphanumerical characters are good practices for increasing passwords strength and making it capable of resisting guessing and brute-force attacks.

2 Answers

The point of a salt is that an attacker can no longer use a pre-existing dictionary to attack any user in your system. They have to create a brand new dictionary for each user using that user's salt, which takes time and effort. If you learn about a breach before dictionaries are created for all users of your system, you have time to act. (Alert users that their log-in credentials must be changed, which should generate a new random salt.)

I would say that you should use both a salt and the most complex password (pass phrase, really) that your users will tolerate. Even still, salting is a fundamental security measure, and you can't really afford to do without it.

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Bill the Lizard Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

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