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Is foldl ever preferable to its strict cousin, foldl'?


Haskell has two left fold functions for lists: foldl, and a "strict" version, foldl'. The problem with the non-strict foldl is that it builds a tower of thunks:

    foldl (+) 0 [1..5] --> ((((0 + 1) + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5 --> 15 

This wastes memory, and may cause a stack overflow if the list has too many items. foldl', on the other hand, forces the accumulator on every item.

However, as far as I can tell, foldl' is semantically equivalent to foldl. Evaluating foldl (+) 0 [1..5] to head normal form requires forcing the accumulator at some point. If we didn't need a head-normal form, we wouldn't be evaluating foldl (+) 0 [1..5] to begin with.

Is there any compelling reason one would want the behavior of foldl over that of foldl' ?

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Joey Adams Avatar asked Nov 23 '11 00:11

Joey Adams

People also ask

Is Foldl or Foldr better?

Only foldr is lazy and can be used for codata/infinite streams. While foldl is tail-recursive (enhanced with strict application foldl' can avoid stack overflow). This is why foldr should be used by default in Haskellin order preserve laziness across function composition.

Is foldr tail recursive?

Because foldl is tail recursive, languages that perform tail call elimination would rewrite it to something that resembles the following. But, again, Elm and JavaScript do not provide us with automatic tail call elimination. It is simple to define a version using Trampoline .

2 Answers

foldl and foldl' are not semantically equivalent. Trivial counterexample:

Prelude Data.List> foldl (\x y -> y) 0 [undefined, 1] 1 Prelude Data.List> foldl' (\x y -> y) 0 [undefined, 1] *** Exception: Prelude.undefined 

In practice, however, you usually want the strict foldl' for the reasons you mentioned.

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hammar Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09


When foldl and foldl' wouldn't produce the same result, as in hammar's example, the decision has to be made according to the desired outcome. Apart from that, you'd use foldl rather than foldl' if the folded function is a constructor (applying a constructor creates a value in WHNF, there's no point in forcing it to WHNF again), and in foldl (.) id functions where forcing WHNF doesn't gain anything either. Apart from these exceptional cases, foldl' is the method of choice.

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Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Daniel Fischer