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Python pyglet AVBin - How to install AVBin


AVBin is used by Pyglet to decode MP3s. Link: http://avbin.github.com/AVbin/Download.html

Installed using install.sh provided, when utilised leads to error:

'AVbin is required to decode compressed media') pyglet.media.riff.WAVEFormatException: AVbin is required to decode compressed media 

...So it didn't install properly? Using python virtualenv, suspect this might be causing issues... though I ran AVBin's install.sh in virtualenv, like this:

(SoundShenanigans)user@computer:~/Downloads/avbin-linux-x86-64-v8$ sudo bash install.sh  


I have found where avbin is installed... it seems to be installed in the right place =S

~/pyvien/SoundShenanigans/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyglet/media$ ls avbin.py   drivers      __init__.pyc   procedural.pyc  riff.pyc avbin.pyc  __init__.py  procedural.py  riff.py 


The library is .so , not .dylib , why do you want .dylib mysterious code? This is Linux not Mac (Mac's have .dylib, Ubuntu has .so)

File "SoundShenanigans.py", line 4, in   from pyglet.media import avbin File "/home/user/pyvien/SoundShenanigans/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyglet/media/avbin.py", line 53, in   darwin='/usr/local/lib/libavbin.dylib') File "/home/user/pyvien/SoundShenanigans/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyglet/lib.py", line 122, in load_library   raise ImportError('Library "%s" not found.' % names[0]) ImportError: Library "avbin" not found. 
like image 542
xxjjnn Avatar asked Apr 24 '12 17:04


1 Answers

What about installing it by:

sudo apt-get install libavbin-dev libavbin0 

More information about this package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/avbin

Edit: It looks like it is not included anymore for newer ubuntu versions. So you have to download it from https://avbin.github.io/AVbin/Download.html and install it via

sudo sh ./install-avbin-linux-x86-64-v10 
like image 180
Sebastian Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 22:12
