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Is element-specific CSS selector bad?

Is p.error better or worse than .error?

I have read that element-specific selectors are bad and should be used only if really needed but noone seems to know why. I mean I do understand that .error is better for code reuse, but is there somekinda specific reason why I shouldn't address class with element always?

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fallenboy Avatar asked May 24 '11 08:05


People also ask

Which selector has the strongest selector specificity?

ID selectors have the highest specificity amongst the CSS selectors: 1, 0, 0, 0. Because of the unique nature of the ID attribute definition, we are usually styling a really specific element when we call up the ID in our CSS. – The specificity is 1, 0, 0, 1 because we have a type selector and an ID selector.

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Inline styles have the highest specificity. In our specificity weight system, they have a value of 1000. Let's try to make sense of it. The property values of selectors with a higher weight will always be applied over a selector with a lower weight.

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Css has better performance and speed than xpath. Xpath allows identification with the help of visible text appearing on screen with the help of text() function. Css does not have this feature. Customized css can be created directly with the help of attributes id and class.

4 Answers

CSS selectors are read right to left. So p.error has one additional step to .error. This may result in a smaller set or not - depends on your markup.

However, this is a micro micro optimization. There is not going to be a performance hit unless we're talking about a massive amount of selectors.

Here's a great article on CSS selectors that elaborates on how they are evaluated : http://css-tricks.com/efficiently-rendering-css/

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JohnP Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10


.error is more efficient than p.error .

To understand why this is more efficient I recommend you read this article over at css tricks.

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Blowsie Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10


no it's not bad, but it may not always be necessary

tools like Google's PageSpeed and YSlow! refer to these type of selectors as being "over qualified" perhaps that's where you're hearing the "it's bad" part from - reading material

take for example p#myid - an ID should always be unique on a page anyway, therefore there is no need at all to qualify it with the p element. an ID already has the highest weight when specificity is being counted so again it's totally redundant to add the extra part to try and add more specificty.

However with class names like your example it can sometimes definitely be desirable to add the qualifier as you may want the class to be re-usable on different type elements but have different properties depending on if it's a div or a p for example, the "qualifier" then makes the selector slightly more specific

.error {background: red; margin: 5px;}
p.error {margin: 2px;}

The code above means you can use the error class on any element and it will have 5px margins however if you set the error class on a p element the second selector is actually doing something, it's over-riding the first's margins but still getting the background color

So they do a job, but too often you see too many people over qualifying all their elements when it is not necessary.. for example if you're only ever applying that .error class to a p element then you wouldn't need the second selector.

The rule of thumb is to make the selector unique as quickly as possible starting from the right side of it.

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clairesuzy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10


Having a very specific selector will not amount to bad performance, but if there are a lot of declarations applicable for an element, then the performance will take a hit. The only concern otherwise is that it increases the no. of bytes to be downloaded for loading the stylesheet. Trust me, Every extra character in HTML passed is evil and will amount to lower page load speed.

During CSS cascading is applied by modern-day browsers, the following is the process that occurs for each CSS property for each web page element:

  1. Gather all the declarations for the property from all the sources. This includes default browser styles and custom user style, as well as author style sheets. If there is more than one, proceed to 2.

  2. Sort the declarations by importance and origin in the following order (from lowest to highest priority):

    • user agent style sheets (default browser styles)
    • normal declarations in a user style sheet (a user’s custom style sheet)
    • normal declarations in an author style sheet (web page style sheets; external, embedded, and inline styles)
    • !important declarations in an author style sheet
    • !important declarations in a user style sheet

    The one with the highest priority wins. If more than one have the same priority then proceed to 3.

  3. Sort by selector specificity. The one with the most specific selector wins. If no clear winner, proceed to 4.

  4. The one that comes last in the source wins!

If the cascade does not set a CSS property on an element, then the browser will fall back to using an inherited property from the element’s parent (this only happens for some properties), otherwise the property is set to the CSS default value.

According to the above process, if you use a lot of more specific selectors, there would be a choice made after atleast 3 levels deep. Hence, the more the no. of declarations which might be applicable to an element, the lower the performance would be.

So, You must as specific as it makes sense to be.

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Hungry Coder Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10

Hungry Coder