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Is development with Adobe CQ5 (AEM) programming at all? [closed]

I'm really confused, what kind of job it would be working with Adobe CQ5 (Adobe Experience Manager)? Is it programming or is it just working with some GUI, tools, etc, since it's a CMS after all?

I have the chance to participate this CQ5 advanced developer training and later going to a job related to it: http://training.adobe.com/training/courses/cq5-advanced-developer.html

I basically want to be a Java developer/programmer, I'm confused. Is this for me? Or is it just some tool and not much programming at all? So what kind of work is it?

Please help me, I'm very confused, I have to decide quite quickly. Thank you in advance.

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Arturas M Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 10:03

Arturas M

1 Answers

CQ5 is a platform based on Apache Felix, Apache Sling, JCR and other technologies. It comes with a basic set of components, workflows and other features but creating an actual custom site always requires creating OSGi services, servlets, models, etc. In fact, all topics in the course you've referred to are strictly programming subjects. CQ5 technology stack is quite exotic, but I think it only makes it more interesting.

Answering your question: yes, it is programming.

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Tomek Rękawek Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 21:04

Tomek Rękawek