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What is Java BE?



What is Java BE? I've seen it a couple of times in articles. But I cannot find information. Is it a new type of JDK? Or is it just a typo? Thanks.

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nasdaq Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 12:03


2 Answers

Java BE stands for Java Browser Edition. It was an edition of Java with a limited set of libraries, in order to make the JRE package very small, such as few MegaBytes of size, instead of the standard package that is around 100 MegaBytes of size. You can find an interesting article here.

I said 'it was' because it seems the project was abandoned by Oracle, because there's no page or documentation on their website about it.

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Alberto Solano Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 19:04

Alberto Solano

I'm quite convinced it stands for Java Back-End as @JoseLinares suggested

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agoodthought Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 20:04
