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Is daisy chaining xslt an accepted practice?



I have a situation where I think I need to daisy chain my xslt transformation (i.e. that output of one xslt transform being input into another). The first transform is rather complex with lots of xsl:choice and ancestor xpaths. My thought is to transform the xml into xml that can then be easily transformed to html.

My question is 'Is this standard practice or am I missing something?'

Thanks in advance.


like image 291
Stephen Avatar asked Dec 31 '10 19:12


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The XSLT processor operates on two inputs: the XML document to transform, and the XSLT stylesheet that is used to apply transformations on the XML.

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The Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) standard specifies a language definition for XML data transformations. XSLT is used to transform XML documents into XHTML documents, or into other XML documents.

1 Answers

Performing a chain of transformations is used quite often in XSLT applications, though doing this entirely in XSLT 1.0 requires the use of the vendor-specific xxx:node-set() function. In XSLT 2.0 no such extension is needed as the infamous RTF datatype is eliminated there.

Here is an example (too-simple to be meaningful, but illustrating completely how this is done):

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="/">
   <xsl:variable name="vrtfPass1">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="/*/*"/>

   <xsl:variable name="vPass1"

   <xsl:apply-templates mode="pass2"

 <xsl:template match="num[. mod 2 = 1]">
  <xsl:copy-of select="."/>

 <xsl:template match="num" mode="pass2">
    <xsl:value-of select=". *2"/>

when this transformation is applied on the following XML document:


the wanted, correct result is produced:



  1. In the first step the XML document is transformed and the result is defined as the value of the variable $vrtfPass1. This copies only the num elements that have odd value (not even).

  2. The $vrtfPass1 variable, being of type RTF, is not directly usable for XPath expressions so we convert it to a normal tree, using the EXSLT (implemented by most XSLT 1.0 processors) function ext:node-set and defining another variable -- $vPass1 whose value is this tree.

  3. We now perform the second transformation in our chain of transformations -- on the result of the first transformation, that is kept as the value of the variable $vPass1. Not to mess with the first-pass template, we specify that the new processing should be in a named mode, called "pass2". In this mode the value of any num element is multiplied by two.

XSLT 2.0 solution (no RTFs):

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:variable name="vPass1" >
   <xsl:apply-templates select="/*/*"/>
   <xsl:apply-templates mode="pass2"

 <xsl:template match="num[. mod 2 = 1]">
  <xsl:copy-of select="."/>

 <xsl:template match="num" mode="pass2">
    <xsl:value-of select=". *2"/>
like image 161
Dimitre Novatchev Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10

Dimitre Novatchev