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Is casting the same thing as converting?





In Jesse Liberty's Learning C# book, he says "Objects of one type can be converted into objects of another type. This is called casting."

If you investigate the IL generated from the code below, you can clearly see that the casted assignment isn't doing the same thing as the converted assignment. In the former, you can see the boxing/unboxing occurring; in the latter you can see a call to a convert method.

I know in the end it may be just a silly semantic difference--but is casting just another word for converting. I don't mean to be snarky, but I'm not interested in anyone's gut feeling on this--opinions don't count here! Can anyone point to a definitive reference that confirms or denies if casting and converting are the same thing?

    object x;     int y;      x = 4;      y = ( int )x;      y = Convert.ToInt32( x ); 

Thank you


Note added after Matt's comment about explicit/implicit:

I don't think implicit/explicit is the difference. In the code I posted, the change is explicit in both cases. An implicit conversion is what occurs when you assign a short to an int.

Note to Sklivvz:

I wanted confirmation that my suspicion of the looseness of Jesse Liberty's (otherwise usually lucid and clear) language was correct. I thought that Jesse Liberty was being a little loose with his language. I understand that casting is routed in object hierarchy--i.e., you can't cast from an integer to a string but you could cast from custom exception derived from System.Exception to a System.Exception.

It's interesting, though, that when you do try to cast from an int to a string the compiler tells you that it couldn't "convert" the value. Maybe Jesse is more correct than I thought!

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rp. Avatar asked Sep 27 '08 16:09


People also ask

What is conversion and casting?

Casting is the creation of a value of one type from another value of another type. Conversion is a type of casting in which the internal representation of the value must also be changed (rather than just its interpretation).

Which conversion is also called type casting?

Explicit Type Conversion– This process is also called type casting and it is user defined. Here the user can type cast the result to make it of a particular data type. Type indicated the data type to which the final result is converted.

What is the difference between cast and convert in SQL?

The CAST function is used to convert a data type without a specific format. The CONVERT function does converting and formatting data types at the same time.

What is type conversion and casting explain with an example?

Converting one datatype into another is known as type casting or, type-conversion. For example, if you want to store a 'long' value into a simple integer then you can type cast 'long' to 'int'. You can convert the values from one type to another explicitly using the cast operator as follows − (type_name) expression.

2 Answers

Absolutely not!

Convert tries to get you an Int32 via "any means possible". Cast does nothing of the sort. With cast you are telling the compiler to treat the object as Int, without conversion.

You should always use cast when you know (by design) that the object is an Int32 or another class that has an casting operator to Int32 (like float, for example).

Convert should be used with String, or with other classes.

Try this

static void Main(string[] args) {     long l = long.MaxValue;      Console.WriteLine(l);      byte b = (byte) l;      Console.WriteLine(b);      b = Convert.ToByte(l);      Console.WriteLine(b);  } 




Unhandled Exception:

System.OverflowException: Value is greater than Byte.MaxValue or less than Byte.MinValue at System.Convert.ToByte (Int64 value) [0x00000] at Test.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00019] in /home/marco/develop/test/Exceptions.cs:15

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Sklivvz Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09


The simple answer is: it depends.

For value types, casting will involve genuinely converting it to a different type. For instance:

float f = 1.5f; int i = (int) f; // Conversion 

When the casting expression unboxes, the result (assuming it works) is usually just a copy of what was in the box, with the same type. There are exceptions, however - you can unbox from a boxed int to an enum (with an underlying type of int) and vice versa; likewise you can unbox from a boxed int to a Nullable<int>.

When the casting expression is from one reference type to another and no user-defined conversion is involved, there's no conversion as far as the object itself is concerned - only the type of the reference "changes" - and that's really only the way that the value is regarded, rather than the reference itself (which will be the same bits as before). For example:

object o = "hello"; string x = (string) o; // No data is "converted"; x and o refer to the same object 

When user-defined conversions get involved, this usually entails returning a different object/value. For example, you could define a conversion to string for your own type - and this would certainly not be the same data as your own object. (It might be an existing string referred to from your object already, of course.) In my experience user-defined conversions usually exist between value types rather than reference types, so this is rarely an issue.

All of these count as conversions in terms of the specification - but they don't all count as converting an object into an object of a different type. I suspect this is a case of Jesse Liberty being loose with terminology - I've noticed that in Programming C# 3.0, which I've just been reading.

Does that cover everything?

like image 37
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09

Jon Skeet