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Is a DIV inside a TD a bad idea?

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Can a div be inside a TD?

One important thing to remember when putting a div inside of a table is that the div needs to live inside of a particular table cell, meaning inside of a td or th element which is inside of a tr element. This can help with using absolute positioning inside of table cells as well.

What can go inside a TD tag?

The <td> tag can contain text, form, image, table etc. The content inside it is left-aligned by default.

Is div inside a valid?

Nothing is wrong with placing a div inside a tag. In fact, you can place just about anything inside a tag as long as they are categorized as transparent , except that no descendant may be interactive content (eg: buttons or inputs) or an a element, and no descendant may have a specified tabindex attribute.

Can a div be inside a paragraph?

The <div> tag can NOT be inside <p> tag, because the paragraph will be broken at the point, where the <div> tag is entered. To apply styles inside a paragraph use <span> tag, which is used with inline elements.

Using a div instide a td is not worse than any other way of using tables for layout. (Some people never use tables for layout though, and I happen to be one of them.)

If you use a div in a td you will however get in a situation where it might be hard to predict how the elements will be sized. The default for a div is to determine its width from its parent, and the default for a table cell is to determine its size depending on the size of its content.

The rules for how a div should be sized is well defined in the standards, but the rules for how a td should be sized is not as well defined, so different browsers use slightly different algorithms.

After checking the XHTML DTD I discovered that a <TD>-element is allowed to contain block elements like headings, lists and also <DIV>-elements. Thus, using a <DIV>-element inside a <TD>-element does not violate the XHTML standard. I'm pretty sure that other modern variations of HTML have an equivalent content model for the <TD>-element.

Here are the relevant DTD rules:

<!ELEMENT td %Flow;>
<!-- %Flow; mixes block and inline and is used for list items etc. -->
<!ENTITY %Flow "(#PCDATA | %block; | form | %inline; | %misc;>
<!ENTITY %block "p | %heading; | div | %lists; | %blocktext; | fieldset | table">

No. Not necessarily.

If you need to place a DIV within a TD, be sure you're using the TD properly. If you don't care about tabular-data, and semantics, then you ultimately won't care about DIVs in TDs. I don't think there's a problem though - if you have to do it, you're fine.

According to the HTML Specification

A <div> can be placed where flow content is expected1, which is the <td> content model2.

A table-cell can legitimately contain block-level elements so it's not, inherently, a faux-pas. Browser implentation, of course, leaves this a speculative-theoretical position. It may cause layout problems and bugs.

Though as tables were used for layout -and sometimes still are- I imagine that most browsers will render the content properly. Even IE.