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iphone tab bar controller and core data

Ok bit of a newbie type question.

I want to use Core Data, together with Tab and Navigation controllers.

In XCode if I create a Navigation Based Application I get the option to choose Core Data. Whereas If I create a Tab Bar Application I don't get the choice.

I understand that Tab Bars display view controllers so it kinda makes sense. However given that by default it sticks the basic Core Data code in the Application delegate I don't see why this isn't offered.

At the moment I'm creating the two projects and cutting and pasting between them.

Does this omission in XCode seem weird to you? Is it some sort of oversight?

Thanks, Matt

like image 874
Sway Avatar asked Sep 02 '09 04:09


2 Answers

I've faced the same problem and ended up creating a tabBar app and adding the core data stuff later.

To do so, I've:

  1. added the coredata framework to my project
  2. added #import < CoreData/CoreData.h > to myproject_Prefix.pch
  3. added declarations to delegate header and getter implementations just as created by the templates that support core data
  4. create model file - add file to resources group (or wherever you want to put your model stuff) and create a data model file.

This should get you to the same point you would be at with the core data supporting templates.

For your specific case (core data with tabbar), Apple have a good sample app:


This shows how they pass the context through to the relevant view controller defined in the xib file which was the thing that held me up for a while.

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Peter

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Peter Whitfield Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Peter Whitfield

You can add it yourself it's very simple to do:

To modify Tab Bar template settings you have to open the following file

For XCode 4.2:

/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates/Application/Tabbed Application.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist

To add core data option you have to add the property "com.apple.dt.unit.coreDataCocoaTouchApplication" to the Ancestors key:

after adding the property it should look like this:



For Previous XCode Versions

/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates/Application/Tab Bar Application.xctemplate/TemplateInfo.plist

To add core data option you have to add the property "com.apple.dt.unit.coreDataCocoaTouchApplication" to the Ancestors key:

after adding the property it should look like this:



Restart the Xcode!

Everything should work fine now:!! And you have Core Data option visible when you Create a new Tabbed Project In Xcode.

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Starejaz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
