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iphone simulator using multi-touch problem

i know in iphone simulator to input using multi-touch, hold down the OPT key while using the mouse. will see two virtual fingertips.and move the mouse to pinch in and out. my problem is in simulator,these two fingertips will only be overlap at the center all the time, if i jus want move one finger and another finger fix at a point,rather move two fingertips together how to achieve this in iphone simulator?in other word i want this two virtual finger can be overlap anywhere on the screen but not just center

like image 407
issac Avatar asked Mar 26 '09 09:03


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You can show touch indicators in the iOS simulator by opening Terminal and running defaults write com. apple. iphonesimulator ShowSingleTouches 1 . You can turn this setting off again by running defaults write com.

How do you tap in iOS simulator?

When in the simulator, hold the option key down and click - this will simulate a two-finger tap!

1 Answers

If you press Shift-Option they will also move together with a static distance.

like image 58
epatel Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
