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iPhone in-app purchase screen shot

When posting an in-app purchase with Apple they ask for a screenshot to be included before going to review.

What kind of screenshots do they want?

My in-app purchase unlocks some of the lite version, I'm not sure what Apple wants to see here.

like image 465
SK9 Avatar asked Jan 26 '11 09:01


People also ask

What screenshots are required for app store?

Images must be in JPEG or 24-bit PNG. A minimum of 2 screenshots is required. Minimum dimension: 320px Maximum dimension: 3840px.

Can you screenshot Apple pay?

You can include a screenshot of your payment page with the Apple Pay button. Make sure that the screenshot reflects the authentic purchase process.

Can apps block screenshots on iPhone?

While there is no way to prevent iOS from taking screenshots in our app, we can detect when a screenshot is taken and delete the last saved image post-detection.

2 Answers

I provided a screenshot of the Confirm Your In-App Purchase dialog that StoreKit presents when purchasing each product, and everything was approved by Apple the first time. I didn't show screenshots of how the app changed before & after the IAP, so it doesn't seem as though this is required.

Here's one of the screenshots I used:

Example screenshot for In App Purchase

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smileyborg Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09


I have provided an image of the dialog I present to the user when I ask them to confirm the purchase...and it was accepted

like image 31
vedran Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
